
上海宏润博源2024夏校报名已开启!SHBS 2024 Summer School

来源:上海宏润博源 时间:2024-04-22 08:03


上海宏润博源学校,美国格⾥格斯国际学院(GIA)上海唯⼀授权学校,在这个夏天隆重推出 GIA 学分夏校。经过 3 周的夏校集中学习,同学们可以:提升英语实战能⼒;获得国际化课程的真实体验;实打实,系统性地学习英语或⼀⻔准备;获得⼴受认可的 GIA 学分,可转美国⾼中。

Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan School will host an intensive three-week summer program for students who wish to continue and expand their learning in the month of July. This program is designed for students who wish to build a stronger foundation for an international high school experience, or to gain additional required credit toward their graduation requirements. Those courses that receive credit through Griggs International Academy, our accredited US-based partner, are noted in the course descriptions.



2024年7⽉ 8 ⽇- 7 ⽉ 26 ⽇






上午:8:10 - 11:40

下午:12:40 - 16:10 (周五14:10放学)

晚上:19:00 - 21:00 住校学生自习



July – 26 July, Mondays - Fridays

Place:Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan School 

(No.178, Kezhiyuan Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai)

Class time:

8:10 -- 1:40 Instructional time

12:40 -- 16:10 Instructional time

(ends at 14:10 on Fridays)

19:00 -- 21:00 Supervised study / asynchronous work time


Faculty: SHBS Chinese and Foreign faculty team




Please note that all courses will be offered subject to minimum enrollment requirements.



English Foundations I / II: 

Introduction to Literature and Composition 

for Grades 8 – 9

这⻔课程旨在帮助低年级同学提⾼语⾔技能,并为较难的⾼中英语课程做好准备。教学会兼顾听说读写技能的培养。本课程适合有初级基础到中级英语⽔平的同学。完成基础英语 II: 写作与⽂学导论课程的同学将会获得 GIA 学分。

A course designed to help younger students boost their language skills and to prepare for the more rigorous demands of English-language instruction in high school. There will be a balanced focus on speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. This course accommodates students who already possess a basic foundation in English, through those with an intermediate ability. Those who are ableto complete the Foundations II: Introduction to Composition and Literature requirements will receive GIA credit.


英语 I / II (9-10 年级)

English 1 / English 2 for Grades 9-10

本课程会全面介绍英语文学的主要体裁,包括:短篇小说、小说、纪实文学、戏剧和诗歌。同学们将会提高阅读理解能力,思维和写作能力。根据最后录取的学生人数,可能由教师合作授课; 英语II课程的同学们将会阅读更有挑战性的材料或补充材料。完成这门课程能获得1个GIA学分。

This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to the main genres of English-language literature: the short story, novel, narrative non-fiction, drama, and poetry. Students will improve their reading comprehension and analytical thinking skills, including the writing of compositions. Depending on enrollment, the courses may be co-taught; students for English 2 will read more challenging and/or additional materials. This course earns 1 GIA credit.


美国文学 / 当代文学(11-12 年级)

American / Contemporary Literature 

for Grades 11-12

本⻔课程为⾼阶⽂学课程,将会探索从殖⺠时期到现在所有美国⽂学创作的主要运动和主题,以及在不同体裁中的体现。同学们需要阅读较难的原版作品并且需要完成较多的写作练习。完成这⻔课程能获得 1 个 GIA 学分; 本课程既满⾜ GIA 对美国⽂学课程的要求,也满⾜ GIA 对于其它⽂学课程的要求。

An advanced course that offers a survey of major movements and themes in writings by Americans, from the colonial era through the present, in all genres. Students are expected to read challenging texts in the original, and complete extensive writing assignments. Students must have English 2 / advanced high school English proficiency to enroll. This course earns 1.0 units of GIA credit; this course will be offered simultaneously in ways that satisfy either the American Literature, or additionalliterature course requirement for GIA.



World Geography

本课程提供了地理学的⼊⻔概述,包括⾃然地理和⼈⽂地理,并帮助学⽣掌握学好社会研究程所必备的基础技能。学⽣将学会解读各种地图和数据,了解⽂化分析和跨⽂化分析的要素,并参与项⽬式学习活动。本课程适合已顺利完成英语基础 2 课程或具有相当于 9 年级或更⾼英语⽔平的学⽣。完成这⻔课程能获得 1 个 GIA 学分。This course offers an introductory survey of physical and human geography and equips students with the foundational skills needed for success in future social studies classes. Students will engage with a wide variety of map-based representations as well as other data; they will learn elements of cultural and cross-cultural analysis; and they will engage a number of project-based learning activities. This course is suitable for those who have satisfactorily completed English Foundations 2 or who have an equivalent G9 or higher English ability. This course earns 1 GIA credit


代数I(8-9 年级)

Algebra I (Grades 8-9)

代数 1 是⼊⻔级别的⾼中数学课,它将指导同学们学习表达式,⽅程组,函数,实数,不等式,指数,多项式,根式和有理式。学完这⻔课之后,学⽣将具备学习⼏何学的能⼒;因为主要的教学语⾔是英语,所以同学们应具备理解教材内容的英语基础。完成本课程能获得 1 个GIA 学分。

Algebra 1 is an introductory high school math class and will guide you through, among other things, expressions, systems of equations, functions, real numbers, inequalities, exponents, polynomials, radical and rational expressions. Following this course, students will be prepared to take geometry; the primary language of instruction is English, and students should have basic proficiency for understanding course material. This course earns 1 GIA credit.


⼏何(8-9 年级)

Geometry (Grades 8-9)


Geometry will guide you through, among other things points, lines, planes, angles, parallel lines, triangles, similarity, trigonometry, quadrilaterals, transformations, circles and area. Because of the focus on the reading and writing of proofs, and use of word problems, students must have a solid foundation in English, and be comfortable with this as the primary language of instruction (EF2 or higher, subject to English examination). This course earns 1 GIA credit.


自然科学入门(8-9 年级)

Introduction to Physical Science (Grades 8-9)


Students will develop a foundational understanding Chemistry and Physics, and the principles and methods that inform the study of each. This is typically a ninth grade science course, and prepares students for more intensive work in either of these disciplines. The course will have a full laboratory component, and the primary language of instruction is English. This course earns 1 GIA credit.














General enrollment students non-boarding:

RMB 22,600 (includes lunch daily)

General enrollment students with room and board:

RMB 25,000 (Sunday evening - Friday; includes weekday meals)

SHBS students non-boarding:

RMB 18,600 (includes lunch daily)

SHBS students with room and board:

RMB 21,000 (Sunday evening - Friday; includes weekday meals)




•⼤学理事会 AP 学校,代码 694713

• 剑桥国际成员学校,编号 CX139

•ACT 授权学校,可在校内进⾏ ACT 考试

•GIA 上海独家授权学校

•上海交通⼤学“STEM 教育全国名校⼯程成员单位”



全国优秀典范 50 强

在 IEIC 国际教育创新⼤会公众票选-我喜爱的国际化学校中,获得:

最美学校 – 第⼀名







胡润国际化学校排⾏榜•百学榜上海 17 强

福布斯中国·国际化学校年度评选榜单 83 名。

权威国际教育机构 Cognia 认证


福布斯中国·国际化学校年度评选榜单 72 名

胡润国际化学校排⾏榜· 百学榜

“BEED Awards 2022”理想校园评选最⾼奖“活⼒⻓⻘”全国五强之⼀

⼤学申请⾯试平台 “初⻅”的⾼级成员学校认证



ACT GAC 中国“优秀教学桃李奖”



胡润国际化学校排⾏榜· 百学榜
