

来源:金生教育 时间:2024-04-28 08:26




The fields are green in spring,the rain is plentiful and the weather is sunny. The season is full of life. Green trees, blue sky, fun excursions  ...... It is an exciting time for children. As educators, we often think, “What kind of childhood experiences are beneficial for our students?” “What best promotes the ideal of lifelong learning?”

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At King’s, we have remembered the original intention of education, practicing the concept of Learning Without Boundaries.We encourage our students to visit various natural environments and community institutions.So how does the King’s Learner Community collaborate to provide social learning that the children will enjoy?

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Learning Without Boundaries means that learning is not limited to the kindergarten, but happens everywhere for children. For everyone in the King’s Learner Community, this is a social endeavor that involves collaboration with the entire community. They actively  take responsibility, fulfill their obligations, and commit to supporting everyone to become principled, caring, and reflective community members.

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发生在美术馆的学习 · Visit Art Museum


Not long ago, the K1 children had a wonderful experience at the Horse Farm, where they interacted closely with the ponies and enjoyed themselves. The idea for the Horse Farm trip came from the K1 group's trans-disciplinary theme of Sharing the Planet, which focuses on animals and people interacting in different ways and in different contexts. Parents are an important part of the King’s community of learners, and after learning about the children's theme, one parent provided the idea for the chidren to visit the International Horse Farm to extend the children's experience.

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The Little Projectors social studies program was also supported by K2 parents, and the children gained valuable inquiry experience by visiting a movie theater.

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探究电影院 · Explore the Cinema


Whenever the possibility of a social study arises and there is an opportunity to support the children's learning, the teachers immediately and carefully discuss its feasibility with the management team. Everything,from the security of the location to the richness of the content and the design of the outing program, is examined during the site visit to ensure that the children are provided with a safe and challenging learning experience.

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At the same time, the logistics and security team immediately deploy safety plans around the design of the study. They check for potential safety hazards for the children in advance and focus on the details, whether it is the arrangement of the route of the outing or the specifications of the vehicle and the quality of the driver, to ensure that every aspect of the program is safe and high-quality.

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我与大自然有个约会 · Visit Jingmi Park




Based on a shared mission and vision, each member of the King’s Learner Community collaborates and contributes so that appropriate development and interesting social studies can be enjoyed by our students. This allows the children to embark on an authentic, safe, and stimulating journey of discovery. Our collective effort allows each person to examine the learning environment thoughtfully and to support one another,which not only benefits the individual, but also contributes to the development of the team as a whole.

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