

来源:狄邦华曜学校 原上海华二昆山 时间:2024-05-09 08:53

春风渐远,夏阳初现。在这个充满希望和活力的季节里,我们欣然宣告一则振奋人心的消息:Reid Barclay Prichett先生,一位极具影响力的国际教育专家、在K-12教育领域拥有丰富经验和卓越成就的教育领导者,正式担任昆山狄邦华曜学校副校长兼中学部校长一职。

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As the spring breeze fades and the summer sun emerges, in this season filled with optimism and vitality, we are delighted to announce that Dr. Reid Barclay Prichett, a highly influential leader in international education with an outstanding track record of achievement in the K-12 education field, has officially taken up the position of Deputy Principal and Principal of Secondary School at Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan.


Reid Barclay Prichett


Reid Barclay Prichett先生来自美国。毕业于全美第一文理学院威廉姆斯学院(U.S. News),他在学生生涯接受了最为完整的、纯正的美式精英教育。于威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校获得教育学博士学位后,他正式开启教育的职业生涯。任职于威斯康星大学“卓越学习大学预科充实机会项目”(Precollege Enrichment Opportunity Program for Learning Excellence, PEOPLE)期间,他助力项目的千余位学生成功升入大学,为如何培养中学生步入顶尖高校积累了丰富的实操经验。


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Originally from the United States, Dr. Prichett is an alumnus of Williams College, a renowned liberal arts institution. Following the completion of his Doctorate in Education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he embarked on his professional journey in education. During his tenure at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Precollege Enrichment Opportunity Program for Learning Excellence (PEOPLE), he played a pivotal role in guiding over a thousand students through the transition to college, gaining invaluable practical experience in preparing high school students for admission to top universities.

Drawing on these experiences, he later joined several prestigious private schools in the United States, where he launched student development programs with a clear vision of the desired outcome. From frontline teaching positions to educational leadership roles, he has dedicated years to deepening his knowledge of K-12 education and leadership, cultivating a comprehensive grasp of the entirety of school life.


| 威廉姆斯学院

Prichett博士曾在全美第二最佳私立K-12学校(2 of 3142, Niche 2024)、全美第九最佳私立高中(9 of 4990, Niche 2024)宾格利学校(The Pingry School)担任教务主任。宾格利学校以其严谨的学术课程、丰富的课外活动和对个体学生的高度重视而著称,Prichett博士深耕其中,为学校150名教师带来了全面的专业成长计划,同时设计并执行了一套创新的教职工成长与绩效评价体系,不仅促进了教师的专业发展,还提升了学校的整体教育质量,彰显了他在教育管理和教师培养领域的深厚底蕴。


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Dr. Prichett previously held the position of Dean of Academics at The Pingry School, a distinguished institution ranked second among all private K-12 schools (2 of 3142, Niche 2024) and ninth among all private high schools (9 of 4990, Niche 2024) in the United States. Renowned for its rigorous academic curriculum, extensive extracurricular offerings, and high regard for student individuality, The Pingry School benefited from significant advancements under Dr. Prichett's leadership. He implemented comprehensive professional development programs for the school's 150 teachers and designed and executed an innovative system for faculty growth and performance evaluation. These initiatives not only fostered the professional development of teachers but also enhanced the overall educational standards of the school, showcasing Dr. Prichett’s expertise in education management and teacher development. 

Furthermore, Dr. Prichett's passion for competitive wrestling during his college years has persisted into his professional career. He serves as the coach of the high school wrestling team, embodying the indispensable spirit of sportsmanship and the importance of teamwork inherent in American education through his personal involvement.


| 宾格利学校

更早之前,Prichett博士在享有“普林斯顿预备校”盛名的劳伦斯维尔学校(Lawrenceville School)任教。这所学校以其卓越的STEM课程闻名,2018年至2022年,学校共向哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿、斯坦福、麻省理工学院输送104位毕业生,优异的升学成果令该校成为全美第8最佳寄宿学校、第10最佳大学预科私立高中、第33最佳STEM项目高中(Niche 2024)。


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Dr. Prichett previously taught at the prestigious Lawrenceville School, renowned for its excellent STEM curriculum. From 2018 to 2022, the school sent 104 graduates to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, and MIT, earning it the rank of 8th best boarding school, 10th best private high school for college prep, and 33rd best high school for STEM programs in the United States (Niche 2024).

During his time there, Dr. Prichett taught the foundational subject of STEM education-mathematics, gaining rich frontline teaching experience that helped him establish a system for nurturing gifted students. The school offered STEM courses including bioengineering, innovative design, media technology, and mathematical modeling, aiming directly at the key skills needed to compete in a future society. It was here that Dr. Prichett became determined to promote educational innovation through interdisciplinary exploration.


| 劳伦斯维尔学校





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In its fifth year since inception, the American educational ethos has become deeply entrenched in the campus culture of Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan. Dr. Prichett's prior teaching engagements in American private schools, whether in classrooms with thirteen students, differentiated individualized learning plans, or through extracurricular activities focused on competitive sports, have all seamlessly integrated into the daily lives of scholars at Huayao Collegiate.

With thirty years of teaching and management experience in American schools, Dr. Prichett joins Huayao Collegiate brimming with passion for education. As a frontline teacher, his background in STEM teaching at prestigious private schools promises to enhance Huayao’s innovative teaching approach, particularly within its iSTEAM-PBL framework. As an educational leader, his experience in leading professional development programs for K-12 schools will elevate the professionalism of Huayao's teaching faculty to new heights.

As Dipont Huayao Collegiate strengthens its focus on cultivating future talents, guided by the leadership of Ms. Cai Fang, an authority in innovative talent education serving as the General Principal of Huayao Collegiate, Dr. Prichett, alongside the entire faculty and staff, will unite in the shared mission of  “Empowering extraordinary scholars to succeed anywhere” spearheading the advancement of international school education and paving the way for a bright future for Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan.





幼儿园至高二 (11年级)




小学学费:75,000 元/学期

初中学费:85,000 元/学期

高中学费:96,000 元/学期


- 拥有小学至高中学籍,颁发全日制小学/初中/高中毕业证书。

- 高中学段“中外合作办学”项目(美国嘉德圣玛丽学校Shattuck-St. Mary’s School, U.S.A.)

- 美国大学理事会官方认证AP学校,AP Code: 694680
