
AIC 2024春季运动会:荣耀之战与友情之花

来源:广州亚加达国际预科 时间:2024-03-14 08:52


The Spring



Sports Day


Firsts, finals and feuds! 

Four houses to beat for glory



在AIC 3月8日春季运动会的热烈氛围中,学生们不仅以个人的名义展开角逐,更是背负着各自院队的荣誉,以行动诠释着友好竞争的真谛。他们的身影在赛场上穿梭,每一个动作都充满了对胜利的渴望和对荣誉的执着。

At the AIC Spring Sports Day on March 8th, students competed not just for individual glory but also for their house's honor, embodying the spirit of friendly competition. They darted across the field, every movement filled with a burning desire for victory and a firm commitment to honor.


The Phoenix, Dragon, Lion, and Monkey King houses brightly on the field, representing the glory of different houses. Students fought valiantly for their respective house's honor, with every sprint, throw, and jump serving as a defense of their house's pride.

Memorable Moment



The competition featured a wide range of events, testing both sprinting prowess with the 100m dash and endurance with the 600m run. In the sprint events, senior and junior categories of boys and girls shot off like arrows towards the finish line; while in the long-distance runs, they demonstrated unwavering tenacity, advancing towards their goal step by step.




The shot put and long jump events challenged students' strength and agility. Competitors pushed their limits, demonstrating their power and skill in a celebration of youth. These events were categorized by age and gender for fair competition.

Besides individual events, skill-based sports like table tennis and badminton, as well as team sports such as soccer, basketball, and volleyball, were equally exciting. These events required not just individual talent, but team coordination and cooperation, with mixed-gender teams emphasizing inclusivity and collaboration.

The tug-of-war, as the final event, brought the competition to a climax, testing both physical strength and team spirit, with each team giving their all to pull victory towards their side.

AIC House competition


Dragon House



The Dragon house triumphed with outstanding performance and team spirit, adding new glory to AIC's tradition. 

In the selection of individual awards, each award-winning student earned their accolades through exceptional performances. They either competed fiercely on the field, displaying remarkable athletic abilities, or contributed silently within their teams, adding their strength to the team's victory.

AIC 2024春季运动会不仅是一场体育竞技的盛会,更是一次展示学生们精神风貌和团队精神的盛会。在这里,他们学会了如何为荣誉而战,如何与队友并肩作战,如何在竞争中保持友好和尊重。这些宝贵的经历将伴随他们走过青春的岁月,成为他们人生中难忘的回忆。

The AIC Spring Sports Day 2024 was not only a celebration of athletic competition but also a showcase of students' spirit and teamwork. Here, they learned to fight for honor, stand shoulder to shoulder with teammates, and maintain friendliness and respect in competition. These valuable experiences will accompany them through their youth, becoming unforgettable memories in their lives.
