
Primary News Issue 28

来源:SIS深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校 时间:2024-03-15 08:53

Dear SIS Families,

Growing artistic and literacy skills are of utmost importance among our early years learners. At SIS, we ensure that the environment provides them experiences and materials to develop these skills in a play-based approach. 

Last week and this week, Jingshan parents have a fantastic opportunity to see a glimpse of the quality learning happening in our campus.




Prek2 Story Exhibition


Thank you to our parents for visiting last week's Exhibition in Jingshan. We are pleased that you have connected how play is core to the storyteller's growing skills in oral and written storytelling. Their stories showed how characters and setting make for a rich telling of events.

Thank you to our teachers for patiently working with our storytellers. They have provided materials, time, and space to creatively create and tell stories that are meaningful to children.

Most of all, thank you to our young AUTHORS!




Art Comes Alive


During our PreK2 Visual Arts Open Classes this week, families saw their learners in action for our unit on “How We Express Ourselves.” The young artists demonstrated how they are safe, respectful and responsible in the art studio. They take ownership of their learning by choosing art centers to develop and express their creativity.

在本周的 PreK2 年级视觉艺术公开课上,家长们欣喜地目睹了孩子们在“我们如何表达自己”单元中的出色表现。这些小艺术家们展示了他们在艺术工作室中如何安全、尊重和负责任地发展自己。通过选择艺术中心来培养和展示创造力,他们掌握了属于自己的学习方式。

Growing Readers in Nursery


To celebrate book week, parents stopped by the Nursery classes to read for the Nursery friends.

为了庆祝图书周,家长们来到 Nursery 的班级给小朋友们进行朗读活动。

Inspired by "Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes," a beloved story among the bunnies, our Nursery students set out on a sensory adventure. They explored barefoot, stepping into red, blue, and brown paint, to represent strawberries, blueberries, and mud. Afterwards, they washed off the paint in a pool of water, that revealed the colorful transformation. This playful experience sparked their creativity, curiosity, a love for exploration and embracing new sensations.

在小猫皮特:我爱我的白鞋子这个故事的启发下,我们 Nursery 的学生们开始了一次有趣的感官冒险。他们兴奋地赤脚探索,踏进红色、蓝色和棕色颜料中,它们代表着草莓、蓝莓和泥巴。接着,他们在清澈池水里洗去颜料,揭示出五彩斑斓的变化。这个令人愉快的经历激发了他们对创造力、好奇心以及探索新感觉的热爱。

G3 Unit of Inquiry


Grade 3 students embarked on an exciting provocation as they delved into the fascinating world of forces and interactions!

This upcoming unit under the theme, "How the World Works," introduces us to the wonders of science and the mechanisms that shape our everyday lives. To kickstart this exploration, The Bay campus was fortunate to partner up with Mr. Barth from Net Valley who provided us with engaging materials to stimulate our thinking about forces and interactions. 

The Net Valley campus generously provided us with a range of materials designed to spark our interest in forces and interactions. These materials included objects such as magnets, pulleys, ramps, and even simple machines like levers and gears. As we explored and interacted with these hands-on resources, we were encouraged to observe, question, and make connections to the world around us.

Students were able to experiment with magnets and discover their ability to attract or repel certain materials. We explored how pulleys could make lifting heavy objects easier, and we observed how ramps allowed us to move objects up or down with less effort. Through engaging with these materials, we began to recognize the presence of forces and how they influence our daily lives.

While working with the provided materials, we were encouraged to make connections between our experiences and real-world applications. We discussed how forces are present in activities like pushing a swing, riding a bicycle, or even opening a door. We also explored how forces can cause objects to move, change shape, or interact with one another. These connections helped us develop a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of forces and interactions.

Thank you, Mr. Barth!


即将到来的单元主题是“世界如何运作”,向我们介绍科学的奇迹和塑造我们日常生活机制。为了启动这一探索,太子湾校区有幸与来自网谷校区的的 Mr. Barth 合作,他为我们提供了有趣的材料,以激发我们对力量和相互作用思考。




谢谢你, Mr. Barth!

NED mindset: Never give up, 

Encourage others, and Do your best


We are hosting NED’s Mindset Mission, a live streaming event for Grade 4 & 5 students. This world-class performer will take our students on an interactive educational journey filled with storytelling, illusions, yo-yo tricks and humor. NED’s message and memorable friends inspire students, promote academic achievement, and support our school goals:  Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best. 

Our school received this program at no-cost because another school community has paid-it-forward to us. Now it’s our turn - you can help by purchasing a NED-messaged yo-yo and accessories. A yo-yo is both a mindset tool and tangible reminder of NED’s message. While learning to yo-yo, children will make mistakes, try again, and improve. Read more by scanning this code.



Invitational Athletics Meet hosted by SGA


On March 2nd, our first and second graders had a blast at the Invitational Athletics Meet hosted by SGA, and their parents joined in on the fun too! Spending just one morning there, our students enthusiastically participated in various sports activities, forging new friendships with SGA students along the way.


Parent EDU - Understanding ATLs:
家长讲座 - 了解 ATL:沟通技巧

IBDP Visual Art Exhibition
IBDP 视觉艺术展览

SIS Kindergarten Open Week of Music
SIS K年级音乐开放周

ASA Trimester 3 Reminder

March 15 is the last day to make changes to your child's T3 ASA selections. Please login to SchoolsBuddy and submit a Join Request for any activity that your child is interested in joining by tomorrow. Once you have been admitted to the activity, the system will send you an alert.

If you do not see the Join Request button, then the activity is at full capacity.
To cancel an ASA, please send an email to rzousis.org.cn.
A reminder that Trimester 3 will end on May 17.

3月15日是您孩子第三学期ASA选择的最后期限。请登录,在明天之前提交您孩子感兴趣的任何活动的 Join Request。一旦您被批准参加活动,系统将向您发送提醒。

如果您看不到 Join Request 按钮,那么该活动已满额。

SIS Basketball Day Camp
SIS 篮球全日营

Dates to Remember


  • Week of March 18th - Kg Arts Week 

  • Week of March 18th - G4 WIDA model 

  • 18th March Monday – 2024 IBDP Visual Art Exhibition NV, 5-7 pm 

  • 22nd March Friday – 8:15 am G3-5 Assembly (3D hosting) 

  • 22nd March Friday – French 15th Anniversary 6-9pm 

  • Week of March 25th - G3-5 AWE survey 

  • Week of March 25th - G1-G5 Candlelight recitals 

  • 26th March Tuesday – Evacuation Drill #3 TB 

  • Week of Mar 27th-29th - Mandarin literacy consultant onsite training

  • 28th March Thursday – Evacuation Drill #3 JS 

  • Mar 28th Thursday - Parent EDU – Parents as Partners-Supporting Writing in Mandarin, 2 pm

  • Mar 29th Friday - Rally reading celebration with Grade4/5 FIP,  2pm (Parents invited)

  • March 29 SIS internal Battle of the Books

  • Week of April 1st - Spring Break/ Qing Ming Holiday 

  • Week of April 8th - Kg swimming begins (new date)

  • 13th April Saturday – SIS 35th Anniversary Celebration 

  • 15th April Monday – SIS Revisioning Retreat Day (invited staff, students, and parents) 

  • 17th April Wednesday – PYPX Exhibition 

  • 3月18日(星期一):K年级艺术周

  •  3月18日(星期一):四年级 WIDA模型

  •  3月18日(星期一):2024IBDP视觉艺术展网谷校区下午5点至7点

  •  3月22日(星期五):上午8点15分三年级至五年级集会(3D主持)

  •  3月22日(星期五):法语部15周年庆典,下午6点至9点

  •  3月25日(星期一):三年级至五年级AWE问卷调查

  •  3月25日(星期一):一年级至五年级烛光音乐会

  •  3月26日(星期二):第三次疏散演习 太子湾校区

  •  3月27日-29日(星期三至星期五):汉语文学顾问现场培训

  •  3月28日(星期四):第三次疏散演习 鲸山校区

  •  3月28日(星期四):家长讲座之家长作为伙伴-汉语写作支持,下午2点

  •  3月29日(星期五):与四/五年级法语部的朗读庆祝活动,下午2点(邀请家长)

  •  3月29日(星期五):SIS内部书籍辩论会

  •  4月1日(星期一):春假/清明节

  •  4月8日(星期一):K年级游泳课程开始(新日期)

  •  4月13日(星期六):SIS 35周年庆典

  •  4月15日(星期一):SIS复习日(邀请教职员工、学生和家长)

  •  4月17日(星期三):PYP项目成果览
