
Early Years Art in Action|幼儿部艺术之旅

来源:ASJ 东莞暨大港澳子弟学校 时间:2024-03-19 15:28

March 11-15

Early Years | Art in Action

Song Credit: Good Good Thing by Anders Sohn



The Foundation students confidently participated in a creative and hands-on activity that involved using sand and other natural materials to express their artistic abilities. During the activity, the students were asked to identify what they could see outside, and they proudly responded with Elisabetta stating, "I see a tree!" and Ashley saying, "I see grass!” 

The end goal was to foster students’ creativity and imagination as well as to further develop their environmental awareness.



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The students in Kindergarten 1 have recently explored the potential of natural materials by designing a functional water filter that merges art with science. The children, after having worked hard to create them, successfully demonstrated how to utilise them to the Grade 3 class along with a song performance. 



Kindergarten 1的小朋友们一直在积极探索天然材料的可能性,以创造一个功能性的水过滤器。为了将艺术与科学相结合,他们努力设计和建造自己的滤水器。最近,他们有机会通过表演一首歌曲来展示他们的项目,并成功地向Grade 3的学生和他们的老师展示了他们的实验。

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Kindergarten 2 children worked with animal clays, reinforcing their learning about different animals and their habitats. They familiarised themselves with instant art using various materials so as to later create living things from them. They utilised bubble wrap to make the Earth’s heart through paint stamps. This activity was planned to encourage the children to show care and love for our planet.


Kindergarten 2的孩子们使用动物粘土,加强了他们对不同动物及其栖息地的学习。他们用不同的材料创造了即时艺术,并挑战用这些材料创造生物。他们用泡沫包装纸制作了地球之心的颜料邮票。这是个很好的方式来探索爱护我们的地球的重要性。

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In their Unit of Inquiry classes, the Kindergarten 3 students enjoyed creating a poster about what natural materials are. They each chose their own way to present this information on the board. Some children decided to draw their ideas, whilst others wrote a description and collected different natural items to present their point of view.


在探究单元中,Kindergarten 3的学生们创造了一个关于什么是天然材料的海报。他们每个人都选择了自己的方式,在我们的海报上呈现这个信息。一些孩子决定把他们的想法画出来,而另一些孩子则写了描述,并收集了不同的自然物品来展示他们的想法。

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Music is a form of art and this week the Early Years’ students had the opportunity to explore sounds through natural resources and instruments.

The Foundation class continued their exploration of living things analysing the amazing sounds produced by underwater waves and seashells. The children focussed their attention on seashells especially. A popular folk myth claims that the sound of the ocean may be heard through seashells, particularly conch shells. 

The Kindergarten 1 class continued investigating bottle sounds. This week, they especially concentrated on ‘bottle xylophones.’ The xylophones were made of glass and, when the students tapped on them, they vibrated. These disturbances travelled through space and ultimately made the children’s eardrums vibrate, then becoming sounds. 

Additionally, the students also learnt that lower or higher-pitched sounds were produced according to the amount of water present in the bottles.

The Kindergarten 2 class investigated the ‘music of nature,’ which is what one hears or feels when being fully immersed in nature, awed by the surrounding environment. It is much more than just sound – you can not only experience singing birds and croaking frogs but also bursting buds, courting salamanders, and flying butterflies.




Kindergarten 1继续研究瓶子的声音。本周,他们关注瓶装木琴。木琴是由玻璃制成的,当学生们敲击木琴时,木琴就会振动。这些干扰在空间中传播,最终使孩子们的耳膜振动,然后变成声音。


Kindergarten 2探索了“自然的音乐”,这是一个人完全沉浸在大自然中,对周围环境感到敬畏时听到或感受到的东西。它不仅仅是一种声音——你不仅可以体验到唱歌的鸟和呱呱叫的青蛙,还可以体验到花蕾的绽放、蝾螈的求偶和蝴蝶的飞翔。

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